obligation audit中文什么意思

发音:   用"obligation audit"造句
  • no obligation:    无义务
  • obligation:    n. 1.义务;职责,责任;负担。 ...
  • audit:    n. 1.会计检查,查账。 2.(地 ...
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  1. on improving the economic obligation audit during the term of office
  2. on all accounts, the first task we need to do is to turn the table the monopoly of the government auditing institution in the state-owned business enterprise auditing, constructs the auditing system constitute of the government audit, society audit and internal audit; the next we need to do is to undertake the information system auditing with the support of the network auditing and real time auditing, undertake the economic obligations auditing and performance auditing on the base of finance receipt and expenditure auditing; the final mission is to harmonize with the international auditing conventions


  1. obligati 什么意思
  2. obligating 什么意思
  3. obligatio alternatiua 什么意思
  4. obligation account 什么意思
  5. obligation arbitration 什么意思
  6. obligation broker 什么意思
  7. obligation conversion 什么意思
  8. obligation created by administrative orders 什么意思
  9. obligation establishing joint and several 什么意思
  10. obligation fund 什么意思


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